Comprehensive Eye Exams

A regular eye exam is key to good vision and healthy eyes


Comprehensive Eye Exams & Routine Checks

The comprehensive eye exam is much more than just checking the need for glasses. It is a thorough examination of the overall ocular health and vision. This should be completed once every one to two years depending on the age and the health of the patient. Many eye diseases can spare vision at first and can slowly deteriorate it without any symptoms so the key is to get an early diagnosis before sight is lost.

At Comly Eye Care each comprehensive eye exam is completed with advanced ophthalmic equipment. Modern technology enables us to determine the most precise prescription and detect the earliest of ocular diseases.

What to expect at a Comprehensive Eye Exam:

  1. A review of your eye health and systemic health history

  2. Checking eye alignment and ocular motility or movement

  3. Ensuring your pupils work properly

  4. Visual Acuity or how well you can see. Are you 20/20?

  5. Refraction - Finding the power if you need glasses

  6. Intraocular pressure check and glaucoma screening

  7. Slit Lamp Exam - Assessing the anterior surface and looking for eyelid abnormalities, dry eye disease, or problems with the cornea

  8. Retinal examination. Using special lenses to look inside the eye, we look at the integrity of the retina, including watching for macular degeneration, optic nerve disease, changes to blood vessel, etc.

  9. Dilated Fundus Exam - Using drops to make the pupil very large, we get a much better view of the retina to rule out retinal tears and/or detachments, etc.

  10. Imaging. This may include retinal photos, fundus autofluorescence, and/or optical coherence tomography (OCT).